Samtliga avhandlingsrecensioner
Anna Cappi: Den haltande kontinenten? Autenticitet och ekonomisk frihet hos José Martí (Fredrik Uggla)
Anton Jansson: Revolution and revelation. Theology in the political thought of Friedrich Julius Stahl, Wilhelm Weitling and Karl Theodor Welcker (Todd H. Weir)
Tove Paulsson Holmberg: Onaturlig födelse. Johan von Hoorn och det obstetriska dilemmat 1680–1730 (Maja Bondestam)
Andreas Rydberg: Inner experience. An analysis of scientific experience in Early Modern Germany (Kristiina Savin)
Daniel Strand: No alternatives. The end of ideology in the 1950s and the post-political world of the 1990s (Howard Brick)
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