About the Journal

Lychnos receives funding from The Swedish Research Council.

Aims & Scope
Lychnos: Annual of the Swedish History of Science Society
is published by The Swedish Society for the History of Science and Ideas. The first volume was published 1936, making Lychnos one of the oldest periodicals in intellectual history in the world. Lychnos publishes up-to-date reasearch within history of science, history of knowledge, intellectual history, history of medicine, history of technology and environmental history. Apart from articles, Lychnos contains a  section of book reviews, comments and miscellanea. Lychnos publishes articles in the Scandinavian languages and English.

Review Policy and Journal Sections
Lychnos employs the principle of double-blind peer review where the authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the process. Each number of Lychnos contains an open section and a thematic section. Submissions made to the open section are (from 2023 and onwards) published continuously throughout the year, after having completed the review process. The time from submission to decision can vary, but the editorial goal is to reach a decision within three months. Submissions to the thematic section follow the time-table set out in the thematic Call for Papers. These papers are peer-reviewed and published as a collection at the end of the year. Submissions to the book review sections or miscellanea section are reviewed by the editors only.

Policy for Open Access and Copyright
Lychnos is a diamond open access journal, which means that all content is freely available without any charge to the users or his or her institutions. For authors, Lychnos does not charge any submission or publication fees, and authors are free to (without permission from the journal)  distribute, deposit or parallel publish their articles.

Copyright of published papers is retained by the authors and not transferred to the publisher. The articles are published using a CCBY-4.0 licence, which makes it possible for users to share and adapt the material under these specific licence terms: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to  or adapt the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

Archiving and Repository Policy
Authors are free to deposit a copy of their paper in an institutional or other repository, as well as on scholarly social media sites or private websites. Digitised volumes after 2005 are available online on the journal website, though the aim is to digitalize older volumes as well. 

Rotating Editorship
The Swedish Society for the History of Science and Ideas and Lychnos move between Swedish universities and is located at Umeå University from 2022 to 2024. The Swedish Society for the History of Science and Ideas hosts a conference (Idéhistoria på gång) for its members every third year.

Readers, reviewers and authors are asked to register on the homepage to get updates, news and other messages. Follow Lychnos on Facebook.